Friday, July 18, 2008

日光浴 Sunbathing


This is my multi-purpose cloth, It's my sunbathe mat, my scratch cloth, even to vent my anger on it when I'm scolded or simply not in good mood!


Mônica said...

What a great picture, look how long she can get when stretching in sun!

emilayusof said...

Nice picture! I love the lighthing!

Kim de Young said...

Peter would like to know how Bobo stays so fit. Peter is sad that he is on a diet and doesn't get treats so much anymore. I love watching cats stretch, it is as if it is the only thing that important to them at the time, the put full concentration and energy into it.

Zari said...

bobo looks so cute and relaxed!
and i also love teh lighting!

Roberta said...

What a serene picture of Bobo cat-napping!

Anonymous said...

What a great picture of Bobo. My cat loves to sit in our lawn chairs. The sun is too hot here, so he enjoys it when I put the chair in the shade. Cats are sooo zen. They show the essence of being at peace.

Anonymous said...

I would be so tempted to rub your little kitty belly. Do you allow that, Bobo? I know some kitties will and some will take your hand off!