Sunday, July 20, 2008

IF: Enough

"Bobo, haven't you had enough?"
"No, mom! I don't look like Peter yet, he's my hero!"

“ Bobo,妳到底晓不晓得<饱>字怎么写?”
“大人,等那一天我跟 Peter


Vhrsti said...

Nice! The cat has meaningful look.

Faruffa said...

Too cute, I adore Bobo expression!!!

Anonymous said...

Great gradients and use of color. I illustrated a cat as well, but he's not hungry. Love the kitty's smile.

Bella Sinclair said...

Heehee! Cute illustration! Yes, any cat that can commandeer a whole container of food is my hero, too.

INDIGENE said...

I have a cat who feels just like Bobo! Cute illustration!

Vern Mercado said...

all cat owners can relate to this. fun.

Anonymous said...

OOooh poor Bobo! Look how skinny he is! haha He is like my guinea pigs. They are on a diet and they do not like it one bit :) Nice job. Your illustrations always make me smile!

Anonymous said...

Ack Sorry, I know Bobo is a SHE! I live in a house of almost all male pets....sorry!

Lisa Rivas said...

This "enough" is absolutely charming! Beautifully expressed and executed.
Best to you and Bobo...:)

Anonymous said...

(Mewooore,) love that, soooo clever, heehee. Good you're helping Bobo keep her girlish figure, in spite of herself.

Awesome illustration. Love the salmon colors and the dynamic composition.

Roberta said...

Bobo's tummy looks plenty full!
Maybe he can have a little snack later!!

Kim de Young said...

We cracked up when we saw this! Your expresions are just fabulous. Remind Bobo if her belly gets like Peter's then she wont be as agile and she might get stuck jumping through her hoop.
Peter is happy with his hero status! You totally made my day!!!

studio lolo said...

Terrific, and so true of all cats! If you think Peter Peppercloud is fat, you've never seen my cat Bliss. We're working on it :D

Bee said...

Perfect entry for the theme. Great scene :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful illustration, I love the colors!
My cat uses the same expression when he is asking for food! =D

knallbeige said...

very well done and funny

Emily said...

too cute... I know that "I am so cute" kitty faces can be irrisitable! who could say no! hihi...


fun illustration...very well done !!!

valerie walsh said...

i always love your art :)

theartofpuro said...

too nice,great illo,it seems our cat,food is never enough

MayY . C 五月媽媽 said...

AhBo still hungry mah!


haha, mewooore! bobo this put smile on my face! ^_^__^

Solvere volo said...

So cute! great illo!

Mônica said...

So cute and oh so true! Beagles are the same way too, they can never have enough! :-)

Ellen said...

Yes, this is my cat to a "T!"

Mercedes De La Jara said...

Cute illustration!!!

Anonymous said...

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