Monday, June 9, 2008

Dragon Boat Festival 端午节,棕子节

Yesterday, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month on Chinese Calendar, is the "Dragon Boat Festival" or "Duanwu Festival". This festival is to commemorate the death of poet Qu Yuan (c. 340 BC - 278 BC) of the ancient state of Chu, in the Warring States Period of the Zhou Dynasty.

We celerate this festival by eating "zongzi", an angular rice ball wraps in bamboo leaves, it's yummy!

I would like to say that a great man would never be forgotten, but the fact is the delicious food related to the festival make it unforgettable! That's why nowadays, a lot of people also call this festival "zongzi festival" after the name of the festive food. :-P

More about this festival...


Kristi Valiant said...

My city here in Indiana held a celebration for the Dragon Boat Festival and I went on Saturday. It was fun to watch the boats race and listen to their drumming. I spent a summer in China a few years ago and saw some of the dragon boats there too. Thanks for sharing more about this festival. It's fun to hear about other cultures!

Tammie Lee said...

Lovely drawing. Thank you for telling what the festival is about. I want to eat one.....

Emily said...

beautiful detail in this simple image! I realyy like how perfect the little package looks! thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

This illo is so beautiful! The detail is phenomenal! And thank you so much for writing about the Dragon Boat Festival! I would love to try a Zongzi. Are they vegetarian? They look yummy!