Saturday, March 29, 2008

Imagine if the Victim is YOU. HELP STOP IT!!! 请救救他们!!!

Be warned, the footages contain graphic images that some may find disturbing.

  This is the most cruel thing I have ever seen! My tears burst their banks when I saw this, how can such a developed country commit sins like these?! It greatly angers me to see animals being treated this way. Isn't it against the law of "Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals"? Where has the law gone? Is it being used to wipe your ass? This is a government that eats "shhhxxxt"!

  Forgive me, I really feel like using swear words. I never used strong words in my blog, however this terrible incident makes me extremely mad. How can anyone perform such inhuman acts? Innocent animals are being killed and tortured in a Satanic way, without even a blink of the eye, a twinge of conscience...

  Imagine, if you are the victim. Imagine, the excruciating pain shooting like an arrow through your brain. Imagine, taking agonizing, ragged breaths while waiting for the world around you to fade, for your pain and something else inside you, to stop throbbing.

  I believe most Canadians shudder at the sight of this horrifying act as well, and I urge you, please put pressure on your government to stop these crimes.

  这是我见过最殘忍的事,一个如加拿大如此的先进囯也可通过这种殘杀法令,你们的防止虐待待动物法哪去了???拿來抺大便用的???一个吃 "shhhxxxt" 的政府!原谅我,我真的很想骂粗话!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pet Peeves II

  Sometimes I just feel too tired to play.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Me and my new buddy.

Good good!

Aaaah! What a good sleep!


  今天大人在跟我玩的时候,放了一个响屁。我这个大人嘴里的 “笨蛋 Bobo” 就循着屁味一路嗅,然后被那股怪味嗆到,打了好大的一个喷嚏,当下害大人大笑不止,成了疯婆子。

  “Bobo 呀 Bobo ,妳真是我的开心果!”


Saturday, March 22, 2008

IF: Pet Peeves

  Mom, keep this thing out of my sight after using it, pllllllll.......ease!
  Please see related post HERE.


Monday, March 17, 2008

IF: Heavy

  Mom's niece, Joyce is now in New Zealand under the New Zealand Works Holiday scheme. She got a job in the vineyard, earning a totally different experience. Hope everything goes smooth for her. Enjoy, Joyce!

  Please visit her blog at to share the story of a backpacker experiencing her life in a foreign country for her very first time.

  Joyce 姐姐当起背包族到纽西南去了,她目前在葡萄园体验另一种完全不同的生活,希望她一切顺利。有兴趣的话可以到她的部落格 看看呀!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

About me 自我大揭密

I've been tagged by my amici Faruffando, to reveal 6 things about myself, then tag six more people.

  1. Well, I was a stray before I met Julia, I treat her as my mom now, though she insists that she's my humble slave.

  2. My favorite food is fish, fish and still fish, and I prefer dried fish than fresh ones.

  3. The thing that I hate most is the giant monster called the vacuum cleaner. I never dared to step into the room if that thing is still inside, roaring loudly or even when it's resting on the floor.
    "Let me take care of this monster for you!" Seeing me cringing behind the wall, my mom will then become my heroine and pack it up.

  4. My favorite game is hide and seek. Whenever I've the mood to play, I'll jump high and low, tickle my mom's legs, to get her attention. She'll then chase me all around the house. Then the game starts, I'll hide under the chair, behind the curtain... Once she's gone past my hiding place without being able to find me, I'll jump out to attack her. This time, she'll be the runner and I'm the chaser. If she hides, I can definitely find her and give her a good bite until she says these words, "you win, you win!" And the game starts all over again.

  5. I proclaim myself as a professional lizard hunter. There's barely a lizard in our house now, I guess most of them know that this is not a safe place for them anymore. I like to chase the chickens in our yard too, but sometimes I get punished for this.

  6. The saddest thing is... I'm spayed, I can never become a mother.
Sorry to say that I'm not a curious kitty, so I'm just stop right here without tagging any other bloggers.


  1. 在遇到 Julia 大人之前,我其实是只流浪猫。现在我已经把她当作我最亲爱的妈咪了,但她总是自封为我的奴隶。

  2. 我最爱的食物当然是魚啰。但是比起新鮮魚,我还比较徧好小魚乾。

  3. 我最讨厌一种叫吸塵器的怪物,只要有它在的地方,不管是在怪声吼叫还是静止不动休息中,我都只会瑟縮一旁沒胆走前去。这时 Julia 大人就会摇身一变成为女英雄,“別怕別怕!我來幇妳收拾这只怪物”。

  4. 我最愛躲貓貓﹗我最愛乘 Julia 大人不留意時撲前去抓抓撩撩﹐她就会开始跟我玩你追我跑的游戏。这时我会飛快的躲起來以乘她不備时跳出來攻击她。Julia 知道我愛玩﹐常常也會躲在隱密處﹐這時候如果我先發現她﹐我就會發動攻擊﹐如果被她佔了先機﹐我就逃命去也。Julia 有時很奸詐﹐明明是我先發現她的﹐她却不逃﹐反而跟我對打﹐這時我怎可以認輸﹐非又抓又咬的直到她喊痛投降為止。

  5. 我是本领高强的壁虎煞星,所以现在家里难得找到一只壁虎的,它们大概知道此地非停留之地罢!我也很爱在园子里追鸡玩,闹得它们乱飞乱跳,怪声大叫。不过这可会遭來处罚的。

  6. 最悲伤的莫过于我已动了节育手术,永远当不成妈妈了!