Saturday, December 1, 2007


  Response to Blogie's post, how if your boy boy playing like this?

  看了五月的文仔仔在樹林中... ,脑中就浮现了这幅图!May~妳画別人画多了,现在我也來画画妳和妳的仔仔,感觉如何?妳要不要來个礼尚往來呢?怎样?我邀画的诚意夠罢!!!


MayY . C 五月媽媽 said...

ah yu,,, very nice, terrific..
see, I have lot to catch to Sam and BB,,, they love it, can I have the original and print out the copy........ hang on my wall mar.

Bobo said...

sorry May~~ i really can't take the compliments, for me, u got very fine skill and full of imagination, ur art piece is rich in content, a "WOW" for ur "animal in zoo". pls...don't be too humble, ppl get shy lah~~

MayY . C 五月媽媽 said...

no no no, you are good! and Seriously, not kiss ass kah...
I am not humble with you, I know I have much to learn, lots to go,, but you are always good at what you do.
I wanting to ask you how I can do what you do ler, can teach me?
so, there, I hope I can get the copy of this master piece wor,, can ar? Pleasessss...