Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Surfing Again!

Hooray! We're back to surf in the cyberworld again! While mommy spends most of her time with her computer, her dear sweet mouse has become my best companion too!

This week's IF topic is "worn". Well, in real surfing, you have to wear particular clothing, but to surf the web, anything could be worn! So here I'm wearing a delicate scarf and a pair of bedroom slipper! ^o^


  当然功课也不能荒废,大人还是会抽空帮我复习我之前学会的那些把戏,另外我还学了新招“加油,加油”,那就是把双掌放到大人双手上再上下搖动,而这却洐生了一则笑话!话说有一天大人上“Youtube" 看节目,我听到有人在喊“加油,加油,加油”,二话不说我立刻把一双前脚举起来,大人一见乐得呵呵大笑,很捧场的接住我的双掌大力的上下擺动,然后赏了我一些好吃的!嘻嘻!这也算额外的赚头,不无小補!